Yeah, time just keeps speeding by. But it's been a very good week (not that they're usually bad). First odd it started off with a Monday that was better than Mondays usually are. It began with a visit with a young man I've watched grow up over the years. He was a good kid that has grown up into an exceptional young man. He just graduated from LSU and immediately landed a very good job as a computer engineer with a young but very successful software company in downtown Dallas. We haven't had a chance to just sit and catch up, so the visit was fantastic. From there I went to my six-month checkup with my urologist. Bloodwork and PSA levels were all very good. So I didn't get fussed at by the doctor this time. By that time it was late afternoon and came home and finished the guitar charts for Sunday quickly and just relaxed. Generally, the rest of the week went smoothly and today felt more like a Saturday, so it's like getting an extra day.
With that in mind, nothing on my mind right now. Here are some Poli-Toons that I've saved up over the last several days. Have a great evening, everyone.