Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Midweek Rant: Masks

I know many people have made up their minds about the "to mask or not to mask" issue. I respect both sides. The science is all over the place. And whereas, I have pretty much made up my mind about it, I keep reading on it. 

But more and more, I read conflicting "data" and "statistics", even from my favorite sources that I have found reliable for years. We have to face the face that we may never understand how it all works. Hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20. 

 So, here is my point. For everyone who is being pissy, judgmental, and condescending about it: GROW UP!! The world doesn't revolve around you. If someone, for example, me, has more than one "underlying condition" and want to play it safe, that's cool. Whereas I don't think I would die if I caught C19, I don't need or want to spend time in the hospital gasping for breath and feeling like crap. Personally, I do think A LOT of the hype is just that, hype. I look forward to being about to go out again. But I will do it cautiously.

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