Friday, September 12, 2008

Jesus Bring the Rain...

Journey: Personal - We're just not catching the very outer north-east of Ike. Before all is said and done, we might end up with more rain than we did for Gustav. We definitely got the better of that deal. It's been windy today but it was a hot damp wind. I'm glad for the rain.

Snapshot 2008-09-12 17-53-33.jpg

The tension hasn't been as bad for obvious. But I'm still surprised of how many people are clueless. I was in a local eating establishment today when I heard the wait-person say "I heard it a hurricane was coming to Louisiana", with kind of a "whatever" look on her face. It was probably just as well.

I think God today. I think Him that I didn't come to us. I thank Him that Ike weakened as it approached and won't be so strong. I think Him for a strong house that is not effected by the winds. There is just so much to be thankful for.


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